For a limited time, Tab is offering to speak to groups and businesses without charge. Presentations can be done via Zoom or in person. In person requires travel expenses (hotel, airfare, etc.). All speaking engagements require each person to have read the book, “Upsurge: Wreckage to Triumph, Rebuilding Your Personal and Business Life.” Doing this levels up the discussion we will have and set attendees up for greater success.


Take Your Vision to Reality

Take a dive into the mind and understand what holds some back from reaching their goals, while others reach them repeatedly. You'll come away with action items that can build your success muscle and move you toward reaching your new reality.

Why Your Plan is More Important Than Your Actions

The more you plan, the more you’ll follow your plan, the more you’ll take action on your plan, the more you’ll control your life.

Eliminate the Unnecessary and Eliminating at All Costs

Prioritizing productivity vs. busy work – because doing the unnecessary is costly and time-consuming.

Tab’s Full Bio

CEO, Mentor, Speaker, Tab Pierce helps entrepreneurs and business owners see that there is a path to success and that the pathway is glorious and worth the adventure. After years of fruitful business growth, Tab found that a few poor business decisions would have colossal outcomes that threatened his once-strong business, and cause him to question his self-worth. Professionally, it was overcoming the massive debt of nearly $750,000 owed to 18 different creditors. Personally, it was the new belief he was a fraud, failure, and unworthy. As a result, depression, vulnerability, and fear were constant companions.

In despair and disbelief, he turned to his network of professionals to help him get his business back on track. To his amazement, most gave the same advice: shut your doors and walk away. Only a select few had the belief he could actually turn it around and even fewer dove in to help. Over a three-year time span, not only did he fully recover, but his business is successfully running stronger than ever. Today, he uses the lessons learned from his experience to help others get back on track and to reach new heights.

Tab is the Founder and President of Caliber Security Partners, which provides cyber security services to enterprise clients and emerging technology companies. He is also the Founder of Refiners, an organization of business owners and business professionals looking to improve their business and personal performance. He sits on the advisory board of 3P&T Security Recruiting, TraitWare ®, and Drug Free Business. Tab is also the author of Upsurge: Wreckage to Triumph, Rebuilding Your Personal and Business Life, which provides readers the guidance and direction to rebuild confidence and overcome most things that are put before them.

He and his wife Catherine have been married for 33 years. They have four adult children and eight grandchildren, with one more on the way. They reside in Mukilteo, Washington, overlooking the Puget Sound. In his free time, Tab can be found spending it with his three dogs, salmon and halibut fishing, or crabbing out on the Puget Sound. However, his favorite hobby is working on his true love – business.

Tab’s Short Bio

CEO, Mentor, Speaker, Tab Pierce helps entrepreneurs and business owners see that there is a path to success and that the pathway is glorious and worth the adventure. After years of fruitful business growth, Tab found that a few poor business decisions would have colossal outcomes that threatened his once-strong business, and cause him to question his self-worth. He is the Founder and President of Caliber Security Partners, a cyber security services company; and the Founder of Refiners, a growing community of entrepreneurs and business owners improving personal and business performance.